Bringing guidelines to the people
CMAJ 1997;157:647
Dr. Nuala P. Kenny's article "Does good science make good medicine" (CMAJ 1997;157:33-6 [full text / résumé]) commented on the distance separating health care knowledge and individual clinical practice. Perhaps the selling of clinical guidelines is no different from selling widgets. Successful entrepreneurs already know that a good idea is not a guarantee of commercial success: it must be supported by an effective distribution and sales campaign.
With this in mind, perhaps it is time for CMAJ to have a page that summarizes selected current guidelines. It should be designed by an advertising expert so that it has instant appeal. Names, doses and costs of appropriate medications should be provided, together with essential investigations. Each topic should be repeated at frequent intervals. CMAJ could also provide convenient plastic cards that we could keep on our desks. The information could also be placed in the national press so that patients could participate in decision-making.
David C.F. Muir
Occupational Health Program
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ont.
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