Nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: evidence for a prothrombotic state


Table 2: Demographic characteristics, comorbid conditions and medication use of patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) and control subjects in sinus rhythm with or without a history of thrombotic stroke
Variable Group; no. (and %) of patients*
NVAF patients n = 75 Control patients
Without history of stroke n = 31 With history of stroke n = 11
Demographic characteristics
Age, mean (and SD), yr 72.7  (8.9)§ 65.0  (11.8) 65.0  (14.0)
Sex, % male 66.6|| 38.7 63.6
Comorbid conditions
Coronary artery disease 19  (25.3)¶ 2  (6.5) 0
Hypertension 28  (37.3) 16  (51.6) 6  (54.6)
Diabetes mellitus 11  (14.7) 2  (6.5) 2  (18.2)
Medication use
ACE inhibitors† 7  (9.3) 3  (9.7) 2  (18.2)
Beta-blockers 18  (24.0) 9  (29.0) 2  (18.2)
Calcium-channel blockers 17  (22.7) 5  (16.1) 0
Digoxin 60  (80.0)** 0 0
Diuretics 27  (36.0) 11  (35.5) 1  (9.1)
Insulin 1  (1.3) 0 0
Lipid-lowering drugs 1  (1.3) 0 2  (18.2)¶
Nitrates 8  (10.7) 1  (3.2) 0
NSAIDs‡6  (8.0) 3  (9.7) 0
Oral hypoglycemic agents 7  (9.3) 01  (9.1)
Other vasodilators 1  (1.3)†† 5  (16.1) 0
*Unless otherwise stated.
†ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme.
‡NSAIDs = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
§p = 0.002, compared with control patients without prior stroke.
p = 0.008, compared with control patients without prior stroke.
p = 0.02, compared with control patients without prior stroke.
**p = 0.001, compared with control patients without prior stroke.
††p = 0.012, compared with control patients without prior stroke.

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| CMAJ September 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 6) / JAMC le 15 septembre 1997 (vol 157, no 6) |

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