

This experiment has failed

CMAJ 1997;157:872
I thank Dr. Donald G. Marshall for his letter "Our future physicians deserve better" (CMAJ 1997;156:1701 [full text]).

Medical students do indeed experience undue anxiety about making premature career choices. Discussions with my peers have been extremely disquieting. I am concerned that their preoccupation with their future may adversely affect their well-being. In the rush to choose a career and acquire a residency spot, students too often lose sight of the purpose of medical school and why they decided to enter medicine.

I have yet to find anyone who believes the current system serves the needs of the profession, yet it takes people like Marshall to make us admit what we have all known for a long time: this experiment has failed! If during a clinical trial an intervention is found to be detrimental to patients, the experiment is stopped. Should the next generation of physicians not be entitled to the same respect as such patients?

Despite government cutbacks and disillusionment among residents and practising physicians, I look forward to the future. I remember why I decided to become a doctor. I believe that medicine can be an exciting, noble and rewarding profession. I only hope my peers and future students can feel the same way.

To those charged with caring for our education system, I make this plea: let's have no more committees or resolutions to look into the matter. Let's fix the problem! I would be delighted to work with you to ensure that our medical schools turn out the world's most humane, well-rounded, content and proficient physicians.

David A. Omahen, BSc
Class of '99
University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ont.

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| CMAJ October 1, 1997 (vol 157, no 7) / JAMC le 1er octobre 1997 (vol 157, no 7) |