Canadian Medical Association Journal /
October 1, 1997 / Le 1er octobre 1997
![]() Facing an old enemy |
In this issue · Dans ce numéro
859Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef
863 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
- Physicians: think twice before witnessing a will
- Canadian engineer left to his own devices
- CMA adds voice to call for land-mine ban
- Language barriers fall at Vancouver hospital
- WMA slams Egyptian court for "female-circumcision" decision
- Will Internet help reshape health care?
- National control strategy needed, cancer experts warn
- BC program hopes to double mammography screening
- Heady days for MD Management
- All of the responsibility, none of the control
- Too much of a good thing
- Impaired by fatigue
- How transmissable is mad cow disease?
- I don't remember, I don't recall
- Bald today, hair tomorrow
- Child-abuse survey stuns Ontarians
859 Letters · Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]
- Putting a price on drugs, Joel Lexchin
- Foreign specialists need not apply, S.M.H. Alibhai
- Patient confidentiality and the law, M.A. Ross; response: D.Y. Dodek & A. Dodek
- This experiment has failed, D.A. Omahen; G.T. Riley
- Physician payment: incentives change with supply, B.R. Wilkinson
- Hep to hepatitis C, A.T.R. Powell
- A look at 350 years of physicians' fees in Quebec, J. Cohen
- The population explosion revisited, R. Shepherd
- Remembering Jimmy Quayle, J. O'Brien-Bell
Evidence · Études 879 Costs and benefits of routine follow-up after curative treatment for endometrial cancer, O.O. Agboola, E. Grunfeld, D. Coyle, G.A. Perry [abstract / résumé] 889 Inappropriate hospital use by patients receiving care for medical conditions: targeting utilization review, C. DeCoster, N.P. Roos, K.C. Carrière, S. Peterson [abstract / résumé]
Editorials · Éditoriaux 899 Is routine follow-up after endometrial cancer justified?, M.M. Cohen [full text / résumé] 901 Measuring the appropriateness of hospital use, D.J.W. Hunter [full text / résumé] 903 Adrenal incidentalomas: incidental in detection, not significance, T.C. Ooi [full text / résumé]
Education · Éducation 907 Report of the Canadian Hypertension Society Consensus Conference: 2. Nonpharmacologic management and prevention of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy, J.-M. Moutquin, P.R. Garner, R.F. Burrows, E. Rey, M.E. Helewa, I.R. Lange, S.W. Rabkin [full text / résumé] 923 Pheochromocytoma manifesting with shock presents a clinical paradox: a case report, J. Ford, F. Rosenberg, N. Chan [full text / résumé]
Public health · Santé publique 927 Preventing influenza outbreaks in long-term care facilities [full text] 928 La prévention des flambées de grippe dans les établissements de soins de longue durée [texte complet]
Features · Chroniques 929 Cochlear implants: the head-on collision between medical technology and the right to be deaf, L. Swanson [full text / résumé] 934 Deportation proceedings against Canadian MDs may hold lesson for others heading south, M. Korcok [abstract / résumé] 936 "Take some action, take some risk," conference on rural recruiting told, M. OReilly [full text / résumé] 938 Looking back and looking ahead as the CMA turns 130, J. Bennett [full text / résumé] 940 Cost of malpractice protection on rise in UK, too, C. Richmond [abstract / résumé]
995 Deaths · Nécrologie
Pulse · Médicogramme 996 Higher earners seek more alternative care / Les personnes à revenus élevés recherchent davantage les soins parallèles
943 Books and other media · Livres et autres documents
945 ·
Resources · Ressources
946 Conferences · Conférences 959 Advertisers' index · Index des annonceurs 959 Prescribing index · Index de l'information sur les ordonnances 981 Service information · Renseignements aux lecteurs 962 Classified advertising · Annonces classées
ISSN 0820-3946 157 (7) 853-996 (1997)