Nonpharmacologic management and prevention of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy


Table 1: Meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of lifestyle modifications (hospital admission, strict bed rest, care in hospital day-care unit, outpatient care or aerobic exercise) in the management or prevention of gestational hypertension
Interventions Outcomes measured Total sample size No. of RCTs OR (and 95% CI)*
Admission to hospital v. home care for women with nonproteinuric hypertension26 Diastolic pressure > 109 mm Hg 353 2 0.74  (0.45-1.21)
Proteinuria 353 2 0.70  (0.38-1.26)
Eclampsia 408 3 6.70  (0.13-...)†
Admission to hospital with strict bed rest or with ambulation for women with proteinuric hypertension27 Diastolic pressure > 109 mm Hg 105 1 1.83  (0.72-4.33)
Increased severity of proteinuria 105 1 0.49  (0.20-1.17)
Fulminating pre-eclampsia 145 2 1.96  (0.97-3.94)
Eclampsia 145 2 0.13  (0.001-6.69)
Care in physician's office v. care in hospital day-care unit for women with nonproteinuric hypertension13 Admission to hospital 54 1 8.80  (3.00-25.80)‡
Proteinuria 54 1 11.40  (1.80-71.40)‡
Induction of labour 54 1 4.90  (1.60-13.80)‡
Aerobic exercise v. no exercise28 Pre-eclampsia 82 2 1.21  (0.36-4.07)
*OR = odds ratio, CI = confidence interval.
†Infinity denoted as ...
‡Statistically significant.

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| CMAJ October 1, 1997 (vol 157, no 7) / JAMC le 1er octobre 1997 (vol 157, no 7) |

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