Nonpharmacologic management and prevention of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy


Table 3: Meta-analyses of RCTs of nonpharmacologic therapy (plasma volume expansion, fish oil supplementation or low-dose ASA therapy) in the treatment or prevention of gestational hypertension and associated outcomes*
Interventions Outcome Total sample size No. of RCTs OR (and 95% CI)
Plasma volume expansion v. no expansion84 Cesarean section 42   2   2.04  (0.59-7.02)
Perinatal death 32   1   5.70  (0.32-...)
Fish oil supplementation v. placebo85 Hypertension 5 135   2   0.95  (0.83-1.09)
Proteinuric pre-eclampsia 5 135   2   0.68  (0.53-0.88)†
Preterm birth 5 550   2   0.79  (0.69-0.90)†
Prophylactic low-dose ASA therapy v. placebo86 Proteinuric pre-eclampsia 15 133   17   0.75  (0.67-0.84)†
Perinatal death 15 477   18   0.97  (0.79-1.19)
*ASA = acetylsalicylic acid.
†Statistically significant.

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| CMAJ October 1, 1997 (vol 157, no 7) / JAMC le 1er octobre 1997 (vol 157, no 7) |

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