Task force to study impact of hospital closures on MDs
CMAJ 1997;157:1007
© 1997 Canadian Medical Association
The Health Services Restructuring Commission that is revamping Ontario's hospital system recently named 3 physicians to deal with potential "physician labour adjustment issues" arising from restructuring in London, Metropolitan Toronto and Ottawa. Ottawa anesthetist John Atkinson will chair the group, which will include Kingston-based family physician Ruth Wilson and Dr. John Jarrell, chief medical officer with the Calgary Regional Health Authority. The task force is to identify ways to maintain sufficient medical resources when clinical programs are transferred and to advise hospital boards how to determine requirements for physicians and other personnel following restructuring. The group, which will consult with the Ontario Medical Association and Ontario Hospital Association, is to issue its report by Nov. 30.
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| CMAJ October 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 8)
/ JAMC le 15 octobre 1997 (vol 157, no 8) |