Canadian Medical Association Journal /
Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne

October 15, 1997 / Le 15 octobre 1997

CMAJ 1997; 157 (8)

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

Global Theme Issue on Aging

In this issue · Dans ce numéro

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

1007 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses

1015 Letters · Correspondance [Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

  Growing old in Canada · Vieillir au Canada
1025 The health of Canada's elderly population: current status and future implications, M.W. Rosenberg, E.G. Moore [full text / résumé]

  Body and mind · Corps et esprit
1037 Functional decline in old age, R. Hébert [full text / résumé]
1047 Alzheimer's disease: current knowledge, management and research, S. Gauthier, M. Panisset, J. Nalbantoglu, J. Poirier [full text / résumé]
1055 Depression in elderly medical inpatients: a meta-analysis of outcomes, M.G. Cole, F. Bellavance [abstract / résumé]
1061 Pharmacologic treatment of depression in late life, A.J. Flint [full text / résumé]
1071 Revisiting the O complex: urinary incontinence, delirium and polypharmacy in elderly patients, D.B. Hogan [full text / résumé]
1081 Medical management of frailty: confessions of a gnostic, K. Rockwood [full text / résumé]

  Soul · Reflets de l'âme
1087 My brilliant career, L. E. Sutherland
1091 Journeys through our health care system: the lives my parents live, N. Yurkovich [abstract / en bref]

  Society · Société
1095 Detecting and managing elder abuse: challenges in primary care, P. Krueger, C. Patterson, for the Research Subcommittee of the Elder Abuse and Self-Neglect Task Force of Hamilton­Wentworth [full text / résumé]
1101 Caring for elderly people at home: the consequences to caregivers, E. Grunfeld, R. Glossop, I. McDowell, C. Danbrook [full text / résumé]
1107 Promoting the health of senior citizens, C. Patterson, J. Feightner [full text / résumé]
1116 Care for Canada's frail elderly population: Fragmentation or integration?, H. Bergman, F. Béland, P. Lebel, A.-P. Contandriopoulos, P. Tousignant, Y. Brunelle, T. Kaufman, E. Leibovich, R. Rodriguez, M. Clarfield [full text / résumé]
1123 Are we in store for some intergenerational warfare?, C. Gray [full text]

1179 Deaths · Nécrologie

  Pulse · Médicogramme
1180 Specialists are getting older; working longer / Les spécialistes vieillisssent, et travaillent plus longtemps

1127 ·

Resources · Ressources

1129 Conferences · Conférences
1137 Advertisers' index · Index des annonceurs
1137 Prescribing index · Index de l'information sur les ordonnances
1168 Classified advertising · Annonces classées
ISSN 0820-3946 157 (8) 997-1180 (1997)

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