Alcohol left out of health promotion for young people?
CMAJ 1997;157:1018
Re: "School-based health promotion: the physician as advocate" (CMAJ 1997;156:1301-5 [full text / résumé]), by Dr. J. William Mackie and Peter Oickle
In response to: P.D. McCarthy & P. McCarthy
Our article presented a health education program, Comprehensive School Health, that had the greatest effects on attitudes and behaviour related to reducing the risk from a variety of threats to health. Reducing tobacco use was selected as an example, not because it is a high-priority issue, but because it is known to most physicians in Canada. Certainly, alcohol and drug abuse are important issues, as are unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, safety and reduction of violence, self-esteem, nutrition and physical activity. These topics are most effectively presented when the health curriculum is enhanced by supportive health services in a healthy school environment, with social support from outside agencies.
The Comprehensive School Health model was supported by the CMA at its General Council in 1995. Individual physicians can and do offer their services and expertise in curriculum development, health services to students and advocacy of a healthy school environment.
In regard to urgent and radical action, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada at a recent meeting issued a warning to the children and youth of Canada that they will face an unparalleled epidemic of heart disease and stroke in 3 to 4 decades unless there are strong efforts to promote the 4 cornerstones of heart health: good dietary habits, a tobacco-free lifestyle, regular physical activity, and a supportive psychosocial environment. Alcohol misuse can have equally profound effects on individuals and families if education about its dangers is not promoted. However, just as heart health must be taught using this comprehensive approach, so too must other areas of health education.
J. William Mackie, MD
Capilano College Health Service
North Vancouver, BC
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| CMAJ October 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 8)
/ JAMC le 15 octobre 1997 (vol 157, no 8) |