Detecting and managing elder abuse: challenges in primary care


Table 2: Strategies for dealing with elder abuse that more than 50% of physicians indicated they were fairly or very likely to use in their practices
Rank Strategy %(and no.) of physicians*
1 One agency to call regarding cases of elder abuse

94.9  (111/117)

2 A directory of services for seniors

89.7  (104/116)

3 A list of resource people to advise on elder abuse

87.1  (101/116)

4 An elder abuse resource package for your practice

83.8  (98/117)

5 Professional guidelines or protocols for detection and management of elder abuse

82.8  (96/116)

6 Guaranteed reimbursement for any time spent on legal matters

71.3  (82/115)

7 General continuing education on elder abuse

68.1  (79/116)

8 Elder abuse education provided in your practice

60.0  (69/115)

9 Change in Ontario Health Insurance Plan fee structure to reimburse amount of time needed to manage elder abuse cases

54.8  (63/115)

10 A central, accessible library of elder abuse resources

51.7  (60/116)

*Not all physicians indicated their likelihood of using all suggested strategies.

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| CMAJ October 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 8) / JAMC le 15 octobre 1997 (vol 157, no 8) |

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