Detecting and managing elder abuse: challenges in primary care


Table 3: Types of service normally used in situations of elder abuse by more than 50% of the 65 physicians who reported having seen older patients suspected of being abused in their current practices*
Rank Type of service No. (and %) of physicians
1 Social work 59  (91)
2 Specialized geriatric assessment 56  (86)
3 Placement coordination assessment 54  (83)
4 Nursing 49  (75)
5 Individual or family counselling 45  (69)
6 Homemaking 44  (68)
7 Institutional respite care 37  (57)
8 Day program 35  (54)
9 In-home caregiver support counselling 34  (52)
*Services normally used by less than 50% of the physicians included Meals on Wheels (49%), police (48%), legal services (47%), in-home respite care (42%), specialized capacity/competence assessment (42%), emergency shelter (38%), case management services (38%), physiotherapy (33%), occupational therapy (32%), nutrition (30%) and other (20%).

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| CMAJ October 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 8) / JAMC le 15 octobre 1997 (vol 157, no 8) |

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