Promoting the health of senior citizens


Table 1: Manoeuvres for which there is good (A) or fair (B) evidence that they should be included in the periodic health examination
Outcome to be prevented or minimized Manoeuvre Comments
Tobacco-related illnesses Tobacco cessation advice (A) Multimodel approach works best
Hypertension and complications Blood pressure measurement (B) Benefits uncertain after age 84
Disuse atrophy, deconditioning, osteoporosis and other conditions Exercise counselling (B) Regular aerobic exercise
Cardiovascular and other diet-related illnesses Nutritional counselling (B) Fat less than 30%; increase fibre, calcium; reduce salt
Death and morbidity due to influenza Influenza inoculation (A)  
Pneumonia Pneumococcal inoculation (A) Particular problem in Institutional settings
Carcinoma of breast Clinical examination and mammography (A) Evidence to age 69
Carcinoma of cervix Papanicolaou smear (B) To age 65–69
Diminished visual acuity Snellen sight card (B)  
Hearing impairment Inquiry, whispered voice test or test with audioscope (B)  
Osteoporotic fractures; cardiovascular conditions Counselling about estrogen replacement therapy (B) Individualize therapy
Problem drinking and its complications Case-finding and counselling about alcohol use (B)  
Injury in motor vehicle accidents Counselling about safe driving and seatbelt use (B) Suspicion of unsafe driving reportable to provincial ministries of transport
Falls Review of risk factors for falls (A) Multidisciplinary approach works best

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| CMAJ October 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 8) / JAMC le 15 octobre 1997 (vol 157, no 8) |

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