Coping with acronyms
CMAJ 1998;158:23
The article "A place in the shade: reducing the risks of UV exposure" (CMAJ 1997;157[2]:175-6 [full text / texte complet]), by Drs. Konia J. Trouton and Christina J. Mills, contains a total of 7 different acronyms. The acronyms themselves are easily identified because they appear in capital letters. But their definitions are hard to find because they are in lowercase letters.
Perhaps CMAJ could save its hapless readers some time by providing a glossary of the acronyms for each article.
W. Robert Harris, MD
Toronto, Ont.
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| CMAJ January 13, 1998 (vol 158, no 1)
/ JAMC le 13 janvier 1998 (vol 158, no 1) |