

June 2, 1998 / le 2 juin 1998
CMAJ 1998; 158(11)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce
Doctors are lashing out against the funding crisis in an unprecedented wave of job action and other militant behaviour. Physicians in the 4 most active provinces are fed up with chronic underfunding at the expense of quality care and fair compensation (page 1505).
Couverture :
La profession médicale réagit à la crise du financement par une vague sans précédent de moyens de pression. Les médecins des quatre provinces les plus actives en ont assez du sous-financement chronique aux dépens de la qualité des soins et d'une rémunération équitable (page 1505).
Evidence ˇ Études |
1439 |
Mercury levels in the Cree population of James Bay, Quebec, from 1988 to 1993/94, C. Dumont, M. Girard, F. Bellavance, F. Noël [abstract / résumé]
1449 |
Evidence-based guidelines for universal counselling and offering of HIV testing in pregnancy in Canada, L. Samson, S. King [full text / résumé]
ˇ Éditoriaux |
1461 |
The hepatitis C disaster, M. McGregor [full text]
1463 |
Hepatitis C as medical misadventure, J. Hoey [full text]
1465 |
Methylmercury and fish consumption: weighing the risks, T. Clarkson [full text]
1467 |
Determinants and determination, J. Hoey, B. Postl [full text]
1469 |
Access to prenatal HIV testing, R.S. Remis, D.M. Patrick [full text]
ˇ Éducation |
1473 |
Defining the physician's duty to warn: consensus statement of Ontario's Medical Expert Panel on Duty to Inform, L.E. Ferris, H. Barkun, J. Carlisle, B. Hoffman, C. Katz, M. Silverman [full text / résumé]
1483 |
Unconventional therapies for cancer: 5. Vitamins A, C and E, E. Kaegi, on behalf of the Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative [full text]
Experience ˇ Expérience |
1491 |
Lassa fever: 10 years on, D. Cummins
health ˇ Santé publique |
1493 |
Injuries associated with the farm harvest in Canada, L. Hartling, W. Pickett, J.R. Guernsey, N. Alberg, T.D. Redekop, R.J. Brison [full text]
ˇ Chroniques |
1499 |
Concern mounts as transfusion medicine loses its lustre, A. Mullens [full text / en bref]
1505 |
In your face: A new wave of militant doctors lashes out, B. Sibbald [full text / en bref]
1510 |
Dr. Luigi Di Bella and the politics of elixirs, C. Gray [in brief / en bref]
1516 |
A Marathon session: A town's MDs develop a philosophy to call
their own, M. OReilly [full text / en brief]
1518 |
With HIV prevalence among women increasing, more provinces encourage prenatal testing, A. Silversides [full text / en bref]
1520 |
Little-publicized Manitoba case holds crucial lesson for doctors, K. Capen [in brief / en bref]
ISSN 0820-3946 158(11) 1409-1584 (1998)
