

June 30, 1998 / le 30 juin 1998
CMAJ 1998; 158(13)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce
This issue looks at palliative care from a wide range of
perspectives: from the historical, through the conceptual,
the clinical and the ethical, to the highly personal.

Couverture :
Ce numéro propose divers points de vue sur les soins palliatifs, de la perspective historique au regard très personnel, en passant par les facettes conceptuelle, clinique et éthique. |
Robert Pope, whose art appears on the cover and on page 1726 (A Friend's Story), was diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease at age 26 and died 9 years later from the side effects of the chemotherapy and radiotherapy that cured his disease. His book Illness & Healing: Images of Cancer (Lancelot Press, 1991) chronicles in art and words his experience of cancer and its treatment, as well as his relationships with health care professionals, family and friends. Robert described the cover image, Progress, as "a multi-generational group of figures exploring family relationships, illness, and health. It looks back at the past and forward to the future. . . . This image can be likened to a cautionary parable. It reminds us of negative aspects of life: blindness, sickness, pollution. Yet this spiral of figures also suggests that hope and health can be achieved through human solidarity and the establishment of a vision for the future."
Evidence ˇ Études |
1691 |
Identifying potential need for cancer palliation in Nova Scotia, G.M. Johnston, L. Gibbons, F.I. Burge, R.A. Dewar, I. Cummings, I.G. Levy [full text / résumé]
ˇ Éditoriaux |
1699 |
A march of folly, N. MacDonald [full text]
1702 |
Oncology and palliative care: bringing together the two solitudes, M.R. McKenzie [full text]
1705 |
The interface of palliative care, oncology and family practice: a view from a family practitioner, M.A. MacKenzie [full text]
ˇ Éducation |
1709 |
Palliative care an essential component of cancer control, N. MacDonald [full text / résumé]
1717 |
Management of specific symptom complexes in patients receiving palliative care, E. Bruera, C.M. Neumann [full text / résumé]
1727 |
Measuring health-related quality of life in clinical trials that evaluate the role of chemotherapy in cancer treatment, M. Michael, I.F. Tannock [full text / résumé]
1735 |
Historical origins of current problems in cancer control, C.R.R. Hayter [full text / résumé]
1741 |
Ethical care at the end of life, E.J. Latimer [full text / résumé]
Experience ˇ Expérience |
1748 |
Dead tired, J. Poulson [full text]
1751 |
Palliative care on the oncology ward, J.E. Raiche [full text]
ˇ Chroniques |
1752 |
Furious passion confronts the cool logic behind a CEO's hospital appointment, C. Gray [full text / en bref]
1755 |
Take care when prescribing new drug to treat impotence, MDs warned, B. Sibbald [full text / en bref]
1757 |
Freestanding hospices ease pressure on physicians, hospitals, MD says, A. Elash [full text / en bref]
ISSN 0820-3946 158(13) 1681-1784 (1998)
