Canada's drug problem: new solutions needed
CMAJ 1998;158:167
See response from: M. Latowsky & E. Kallen
I was pleased to see the articles "Mainstreaming methadone maintenance treatment: the role of the family physician" (CMAJ 1997;157[4]:395-8 [full text / résumé]), by Drs. Mark Latowsky and Evelyn Kallen, and "Methadone maintenance treatment: a Canadian perspective" (CMAJ 1997;157[4]:399-401 [full text / résumé]), by Drs. Bruna Brands and David C. Marsh. The subject was treated sensibly and dispassionately.
We need to learn more about the use of narcotics and their value, and this knowledge must be disseminated. Research has already shown that although people with chronic pain or terminal illness may become dependent on narcotics, they do not become psychologically addicted. I find it a weird contradiction that we seem to tolerate alcohol use and even alcohol abuse that can cause severe damage or death, yet drug use is treated harshly, particularly in the US.
I am not an advocate of drug taking, but it appears that the present system of drug control is failing terribly. I hope we will see more articles by experts in the field, and that more attention will be paid to scientific facts and less to emotional and biased arguments.
Robert A. Durnin, MD
Windsor Regional Hospital
Windsor, Ont.
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