January 27, 1998 / Le 27 janvier 1998
CMAJ 1998;158(2)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce numéro
159 |
News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
Cover: More and more, clinicians are being called upon to practice "evidence-based medicine." In this issue, CMAJ contributors examine this concept from a variety of perspectives.
Couverture: De plus en plus, on demande aux cliniciens de pratiquer une médecine «fondée sur les données probantes». Dans ce numéro de JAMC, les auteurs examinent cette notion sous divers éclairages.
Evidence · Études |
177 |
Effectiveness of instruction in critical appraisal (evidence-based medicine) skills: a critical appraisal, G.R. Norman, S.I. Shannon [full text / résumé] |
185 |
Provision of preventive care to unannounced standardized patients, B. Hutchison, C.A. Woodward, G.R. Norman, J. Abelson, J.A. Brown [full text / résumé] |
197 |
What factors influence primary care physicians' charges for their services? An exploratory study using standardized patients, C.A. Woodward, B. Hutchison, G.R. Norman, J.A. Brown, J. Abelson [full text / résumé] |
Editorials · Éditoriaux |
203 |
Teaching critical appraisal:
no quick fixes, D.L. Sackett, J. Parkes [full text] |
205 |
Use of standardized patients in the assessment of medical practice, R.M. Tamblyn [full text] |
210 |
Canada needs an evidence-based decision-making trade show, S. Lewis, C.D. Naylor, R. Battista, F. Champagne, J. Lomas, D. Menon, E. Ross, D. de Vlieger [full text] |
213 |
Evidence-based rationing: Dutch pragmatism or government insensitivity?, S.M. MacLeod, J. Bienenstock [full text] |
215 |
Evidence in medicine: invited commentary, O.S. Miettinen [full text] |
Education · Éducation |
224 |
Wellness programs: a review of the evidence, D. Watt, S. Verma, L. Flynn [full text / résumé] |
231 |
Organ procurement: let's presume consent, F. Moustarah [full text / en bref] |
Experience · Expérience |
235 |
A really bad locum, K.B. Emmott |
Features · Chroniques |
239 |
Reference-based pricing: Will other provinces follow the BC lead?, A. Mullens [full text / en bref] |
244 |
MD at centre of Somalia controversy finds peace in Northern Ontario, M. OReilly [full text / en bref] |
Resources · Ressources
