BC's physicianpatient ratio
CMAJ 1998;158:173
Re: "Physician supply: A change in direction?" (CMAJ 1997;157[3]:348 [full text / texte complet]), by Lynda Buske
In response to: J.D. Longley
I calculated the proportion of the population over age 60 as of July 1, 1996.1 BC's proportion stood at 16.8%, which is close to the national average of 16.4% and lower than the proportion in 4 other provinces. Interprovincial migration statistics2 (see CMAJ 1997;157[10]:1492 [full text / texte complet]) indicate that BC has traditionally recorded higher net gains of active physicians than other provinces. From 1990 to 1995, BC's average annual gain was 118 active physicians who had moved from other provinces or territories, which represents a net gain of 707 physicians for the period.
Lynda Buske, BSc
Physician Resources Information
and Planning
Canadian Medical Association
Ottawa, Ont.
- Health reports. Ottawa: Statistics Canada; Autumn 1997.
- Canadian Institute for Health Information. Southam medical database: international and interprovincial migration of physicians, Canada, 1970 to 1995. Ottawa: The Institute; 1997.
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| CMAJ January 27, 1998 (vol 158, no 2)
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