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CMAJ - May 5, 1998 JAMC - le 5 mai

A patient's guide to choosing unconventional therapies

CMAJ 1998;158:1161-5

© 1998 Canadian Cancer Society — Ontario Division

See also:
This document was prepared by Dr. Elizabeth Kaegi with the support of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Cancer Society. It is intended to be an information aid that physicians are free to photocopy and give to patients interested in exploring unconventional therapies. Individual copies may be obtained from your local office of the Canadian Cancer Society, or the Cancer Information Service (1 888 939-3333).
Unconventional therapies (UTs) are therapies not usually provided by Canadian physicians or other conventionally trained health care providers. Examples of common UTs available in Canada are herbal preparations, reflexology, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. UTs may be used along with conventional therapies (complementary) or instead of conventional therapies (alternative). Surveys have shown that many Canadians use UTs, usually as complementary therapies, for a wide range of diseases and conditions.

Reliable information about UTs is often difficult to find. Your doctor may be unable to give you specific advice or recommendations, since UTs are often not in a physician's area of expertise. However, he or she will usually be able to provide some general advice and help supervise your progress. For your own health and safety, it is important to keep your doctor informed of the choices you make.

This document is intended to (a) provide you with questions to consider when making your treatment choices, (b) help you find information about UTs, (c) help you decide whether a specific UT is right for you, and (d) provide tips to help you evaluate the information you find.

  1. What should I consider when making treatment choices?
  2. How do I find information on unconventional therapies?
  3. Which unconventional therapy is right for me?
  4. Tips on how to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of an unconventional therapy
  5. Talk with your health care providers

| Unconventional cancer therapies |
| Thérapies non conventionnelles contre le cancer |