May 5, 1998 / le 5 mai 1998
CMAJ 1998; 158(9)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association
médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce
1127 |
Research Update · Le point sur la recherche
- Preventing stress-ulcer bleeding during mechanical ventilation
- Canada versus the US: health care still slower, still cheaper
- In the news...
- Melanoma vaccines
- Turning off chronic pain
- More evidence on calcium-channel blocker and cancer
1129 |
Letters · Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants
- AIDS in Africa, M. Tectonidis; response: K. Chan
- A side effect of protease inhibitors, J. Teitel
- Applause for Dr. Romalis, G.D. Posner
- Advance directives for insulin-using diabetic patients, E.L. Toth, S. Gill, D. Godkin, K.C. Lee
- Breast cancer guidelines, L. Mahoney, P. Rasuli; response: M. McGregor
- Updating the insulin lispro file, L.D. Grossman; response: E.L. Toth
- In defence of the military, R. Shepherd
Who uses food banks, now so familiar on the urban scene? Linda Jacobs Starkey and colleagues found, somewhat surprisingly, that the typical users in a random sample from Montreal were not necessarily the most vulnerable in society (page 1143).
Couverture :
Qui utilise les banques d'aliments, si omniprésentes dans les panoramas urbains? Linda Jacobs Starkey et ses collègues ont découvert, non sans surprise, que les utilisateurs typiques dans un échantillon aléatoire à Montréal n'étaient pas nécessairement les plus vulnérables de la société (page 1143).
Evidence · Études |
1137 |
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery in Newfoundland and Labrador, G.A. Fox, J. O'Dea, P.S. Parfrey [abstract / résumé]
1143 |
Food bank users: sociodemographic and nutritional characteristics, L. Jacobs Starkey, H.V. Kuhnlein, K. Gray-Donald [full text / résumé]
· Éditorial |
1151 |
Benchmarking the provision of coronary artery surgery, C.D. Naylor [full text]
· Éducation |
1157 |
Unconventional therapies for cancer: 3. Iscador, E. Kaegi, on behalf of the Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative [full text]
1161 |
A patient's guide to choosing unconventional therapies, E. Kaegi [full text]
· Expérience |
1167 |
Family ties, R. Goldbloom, A. Goldbloom, D. Goldbloom [full text]
health · Santé publique |
1171 |
Wrestling hyperthermia and dehydration [full text]
1172 |
La lutte contre l'hyperthermie et la déshydratation [texte complet]
· Chroniques |
1176 |
Hemophilia society warns MDs: bleeding disorders not a male domain, B. Sibbald [full text / résumé]
1178 |
Secondhand-smoke story goes up in flames, C. Gray [full text / résumé]
1181 |
Cameras becoming ER physicians' courts' allies, H. Kent [full text]
1184 |
Postgraduate training in US only option for some Canadian MDs seeking retraining, S. Robertson
1187 |
Dr. Jon Gerrard's attention switches from federal cabinet to evidence-based child care, D. Square [full text / résumé]
1189 |
Brother, can you spare $1 000 000?, H. Kent [full text / résumé]
1202 |
and other media · Livres et autres documents |
Resources · Ressources
1204 |
Writing for CMAJ
· Écrire pour le JAMC |
1206 |
Conferences ·
1210 |
index · Index des annonceurs |
1210 |
index · Index de l'information sur les
ordonnances |
1232 |
information · Renseignements aux lecteurs |
1233 |
advertising · Annonces classées |
ISSN 0820-3946 158(9) 11131248 (1998) |
