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CMAJ - January 12, 1999JAMC - le 12 janvier 1999

Kitchen-table medicine

CMAJ 1999;160:22

I compliment Catharine Dewar on her article about kitchen-table surgery for empyema1 [full text]. As someone who underwent kitchen-table tonsillectomy under ether anesthesia, I can relate to the experience of Dewar's patient, Evelyn.

Perhaps more important is Dewar's recognition of the innovative commitment of Dr. William Hamilton to his patients. The bottom-line, administrator-driven protocols so common today don't seem to leave room for such individual initiative.

Douglas Alton, MD
Hospital for Sick Children
Toronto, Ont.

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  1. Dewar C. Balloon pneumoplasty, 1926. CMAJ 1998;159(1):61-2.