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le 12 janvier 1999 / January 12, 1999

JAMC 1999; 160(1)

© 1999 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association

Dans ce numéro · In this issue

    Communiqué de presse
    Sujets d'intérêt

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef
La Semaine nationale des non-fumeurs, du 18 au 25 janvier, procure aux fumeurs une occasion idéale d'abandonner leur asservissement à la cigarette. Frederic Bass presse le gouvernement d'abandonner pour sa part son asservissement aux revenus que lui procurent les taxes sur le tabac (page 61).
La Semaine nationale des non-fumeurs

13 Nouvelles et analyses · News and analysis
21 Correspondance · Letters
Directives aux correspondants / Instructions to correspondents
  Études · Evidence
31 Persistence with treatment for hypertension in actual practice, J.J. Caro, M. Salas, J.L. Speckman, G. Raggio, J.D. Jackson [abstract / résumé]
41 Effect of initial drug choice on persistence with antihypertensive therapy: the importance of actual practice data, J.J. Caro, J.L. Speckman, M. Salas, G. Raggio, J.D. Jackson [abstract / résumé]
49 Current and projected annual direct costs of screening asymptomatic men for prostate cancer using prostate-specific antigen, M.D. Krahn, B.A. Coombs, I.G. Levy [abstract / résumé]

  Éditoriaux · Editorials
61 Medical thunder is required to stir the Chrétien government, F. Bass [full text]
63 Access to medical and health information in the developing world: an essential tool for change in medical education, H. Haddad, S. MacLeod [full text]
64 Compliance in hypertension: Why don't patients take their pills, M.G. Myers [full text]
66 Impact of new technologies in medicine: progress and pitfalls, C.E. Caplan, J. Hoey [full text]
67 Entering "The Left Atrium", A.M. Todkill, J. Hoey [full text]

  Éducation · Education
70 Prostate-specific antigen testing in Ontario: reasons for testing patients without diagnosed prostate cancer, P.S. Bunting, V. Goel, J.I. Williams, N.A. Iscoe [abstract / résumé]
78 Prostate cancer: 8. Urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction, M.M. Hassouna, J.P.W. Heaton [full text]

  Santé publique · Public health
88 The big chill: diseases exacerbated by exposure to cold, C.E. Caplan [full text]

91 De l'Oreille Gauche · The Left Atrium ·
95 The Web's future? Ask the man who invented it, R. Patterson

  Chroniques · Features
97 Code of silence hardest part of being sued, FPs say, L. Cohen [full text]
99 Angry scientists fight university's attempt to affiliate with chiropractic college, T. Johnson [full text]

  Gens de cœur · Heart and Soul
160 An anesthetist of a different Order, L. Cohen [full text]