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June 1, 1999 / le 1er juin 1999

CMAJ 1999; 160(11)

© 1999 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

In this issue · Dans ce numéro

    Press release
    Highlights of this issue

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

More and more Canadians are being treated for end-stage renal disease, and the demand for therapy is projected to increase (page 1557). How will our health care system cope (page 1589)?

Treating end-stage renal failure

1545 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
1551 Letters · Correspondance
  • Instructions to correspondents
  • Directives aux correspondants
  •   Evidence · Études
    1557 End-stage renal disease in Canada: prevalence projections to 2005 D.E. Schaubel, H.I. Morrison, M. Desmeules, D.A. Parsons, S.S.A. Fenton [full text]
    1565 Examination for sexual assault: Is the documentation of physical injury associated with the laying of charges? A retrospective cohort study M.J. McGregor, G. Le, S.A. Marion, E. Wiebe [abstract]
    1573 Non-heart-beating organ donors as a source of kidneys for transplantation: a chart review G.M.D. Campbell, F.R. Sutherland [full text]
    1577 Is telephone counselling a useful addition to physician advice and nicotine replacement therapy in helping patients to stop smoking? A randomized controlled trial R.D. Reid, A. Pipe, W.A. Dafoe [abstract]

      Research letter · Exposé de recherche
    1585 Rates of adverse events among hospital admissions and day surgeries in Ontario from 1992 to 1997 D. Hunter, N. Bains [full text]

      Editorials · Éditoriaux
    1589 The price and challenges of extraordinary success: treating end-stage renal failure in the next millennium T.A. Hutchinson [full text]
    1590 Death provides renewed life for some, but ethical hazards for transplant teams J.B. Dossetor [full text]
      Controversy · Controverse
    1592 The folly of population screening for type 2 diabetes K.G. Marshall [full text]
    1593 Preventive medicine in people at high risk for chronic disease: the value of identifying and treating diabetes H.C. Gerstein, S. Meltzer [full text]
    1595 Rebuttal K.G. Marshall [full text]
    1596 Rebuttal H.C. Gerstein, S. Meltzer [full text]

      Education · Éducation
    1597 Tuberculosis: 6. Extrapulmonary disease A. Fanning [full text in HTML / full text in PDF]

      Public Health · Santé publique
    1607 New virus emerges in Malaysia C.E. Caplan [full text]

    1609 The Left Atrium · De l'Oreille Gauche

      On_the_Net@cma.ca · Sur_le_Net@cma.ca
    1613 Finally, a medical text that's never out of date R. Patterson [full text]

      Features · Chroniques
    1615 Canada a prime destination as MDs flee South Africa P. Sullivan [full text]
    1617 Sixteen-patient-an-hour MD loses $1 million after audit B. Sibbald [full text]
    1619 Private company offers hope to cancer patients — for a price B. Sibbald [full text]
    1623 Will voters' response to health care reforms determine the fate of Mike Harris? C. Gray [full text]
    1625 Sailors the only patients at unique Vancouver clinic H. Kent [full text]

      Heart and Soul · Gens de cœur
    1676 Home schooling right prescription for Vancouver MD D. Jones [full text]