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CMAJ - June 15, 1999JAMC - le 15 juin 1999

Tuberculosis: 7. Laboratory aspects of diagnosis

Table 1: Detection time and isolation rate for various media used to culture Mycobacterium tuberculosis*

Culture medium Mean time to detection, d Isolation rate, %†

BACTEC 460, 7H12 14 72
Loewenstein-Jensen 28 62
Middlebrook 7H10 21 56
Middlebrook 7H11 21 52
Loewenstein–Jensen + 7H10 + 7H11 26 89

*Source: Tubeculosis case finding and chemotherapy.5
†Isolation rates were calculated by dividing the number of isolates detected with a particular media by the total number of isolates detected with all 4 media.

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