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June 15, 1999 / le 15 juin 1999

CMAJ 1999; 160(12)

© 1999 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

In this issue · Dans ce numéro

    Press release
    Highlights of this issue

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

Physicians are increasingly being drawn into legal battles when unfit drivers are involved in motor vehicle accidents (page 1752). A Saskatchewan survey finds that doctors need more training to determine medical fitness to drive (page 1701)

Fitness-to-drive legal battles

1689 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
1695 Letters · Correspondance
  • Instructions to correspondents
  • Directives aux correspondants
  •   Evidence · Études
    1701 Saskatchewan physicians' attitudes and knowledge regarding assessment of medical fitness to drive S.C. Marshall, N. Gilbert [full text]
    1705 Decision-making for long-term tube-feeding in cognitively impaired elderly people S.L. Mitchell, F.M.E. Lawson [abstract]
    1710 Physicians' perceptions of the effect on clinical services of an alternative funding plan at an academic health sciences centre M. Godwin, S. Shortt, L. McIntosh, C. Bolton [abstract]
    1715 Identifier les besoins de formation en éthique : approche méthodologique centrée sur la clinique H. Marcoux [résumé]

      Research letter · Exposé de recherche
    1719 Fetal exposure to oral isotretinoin: failure to comply with the Pregnancy Prevention Program G. Atanackovic, G. Koren [full text]

      Editorials · Éditoriaux
    1721 Substitute decision-making for cognitively impaired older people M. Brockett [full text]
    1723 Oral isotretinoin: prescribers beware N.H. Shear [full text]

      Education · Éducation
    1725 Tuberculosis: 7. Laboratory aspects of diagnosis A. Laszlo [full text in HTML / full text in PDF]
    1730 Canadian health expenditures: Where do we really stand internationally? R. Deber, B. Swan [full text]
    1735 A physician-centred intervention to shorten hospital stay: a pilot study J.C. Setrakian, K.M. Flegel, T.A. Hutchinson, S. Charest, L. Côté, M.D. de B. Edwardes, I.B. Corbett [full text]
    1738 Canadian Consensus Conference on Dementia: a physician's guide to using the recommendations C.J.S. Patterson, S. Gauthier, H. Bergman, C.A. Cohen, J.W. Feightner, H. Feldman, D.B. Hogan [full text]

    1743 The Left Atrium · De l'Oreille Gauche

      On_the_Net@cma.ca · Sur_le_Net@cma.ca
    1747 Mapping your way through MEDLINE D. Green [full text]

      Features · Chroniques
    1751 The Canada Health Act goes on trial S. Wharry [full text]
    1752 Easier-to-use fitness-to-drive guide on way from CMA B. Sibbald [full text]
    1753 Fear of black market means no RU-486 for Canada until US approves drug B. Sibbald [full text]
    1755 Canada's Kosovar refugees "surprisingly healthy" B. Sibbald [full text]

      Heart and Soul · Gens de cœur
    1804 Tearing down walls in Canada's prisons L. Cohen [full text]

      Special Supplement
      Management of Dementing Disorders

      CMA Policy
      Joint statement on preventing and resolving ethical conflicts involving health care providers and persons receiving care