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CMAJ - June 15, 1999JAMC - le 15 juin 1999

Tuberculosis: 7. Laboratory aspects of diagnosis

Table 3: Services provided in national and provincial tuberculosis laboratories of the Canadian Tuberculosis Laboratory Network, as of January 1998

  Isolation   Identification    
  Microscopy Specimen   Tuberculosis MAC MOTT   Special testing  


AUR ZN–K BACTEC Solid media Primary AMPL   Biochem NA probes Drug sens.† Ident'n Drug sens. Ident'n Drug sens.   RFLP Drug levels Other

Nfld. R   R R X   R R 1 R   R          
PEI R R R R                          
NS R R R R       R R-1 R              
NB R R R R                          
Que.             R (HPLC)   2 R (HPLC) R R (HPLC) R        
Ont. R R R R R   R R 2 R (HPLC) R R (HPLC) R   R R PCR-X
Man. R R R R R   R R R-2 R R R R   R X (urine)  
Sask. (N) R R R R X   R R 1 R   R          
Sask. (S) R R R R       R R-1 R   X          
Alta.‡ R R R R X   R R R-2 R R R R   R   MG/T
BC§ R R R R R   R R 2 R X R X   X    
NWT R R R R                          
LCDC‡ X X X X     R R R-2 R R R R   X R PCR

Note: MAC = Mycobacterium aviumcomplex, MOTT = mycobacteria other than tuberculosis, AUR = auramine fluorescence staining, ZN–K = Zihl–Neelsen and Kinyoun staining, BACTEC = BACTEC 460TB system (Becton-Dickinson Diagnostic Instruments Systems, Maryland), AMPL = amplification, Biochem = biochemical testing, NA = nucleic acids, Ident'n = identification, Sens. = sensitivity, RFLP = DNA fingerprinting, R = test performed routinely, available at all times, X = laboratory can perform the test, if not routinely, HPLC = high-performance liquid chromatography, PCR = polymerase chain reaction, LCDC = Laboratory Centre for Disease Control, Health Canada.
*For addresses of laboratories, see listing elsewhere in this paper.
†1 = first-line agents, 2 = first- or second-line agents.
‡Certified level 3 laboratory.
§Pending level 3 certification.

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