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CMAJ - June 15, 1999JAMC - le 15 juin 1999

Canadian health expenditures: Where do we really stand internationally?

Table 1: Three ways of measuring health expenditures, G-7 countries, 1997*

  Expenditure measure; value (and rank)
Country % of GDP US $ per capita PPP per capita

United States 14.0   (1) 4090   (1) 4090   (1)
Germany 10.4   (2) 2677   (3) 2339   (4)
France 9.9   (4) 2348   (8) 2103   (5)
Canada 9.3   (5) 1837  (13) 2095   (6)
Italy 7.6  (14) 1515  (17) 1589  (16)
Japan 7.3  (19) 2453   (6) 1741  (14)
United Kingdom 6.7  (24) 1457  (18) 1347  (19)

Note: GDP = gross domestic product, PPP = purchasing power parities.
*Source: OECD health data. Compact disc on the health systems of 27 OECD member countries, 1998. Rankings are based on the 29 countries included in database. All 1997 data in this table are provisional.

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