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June 29, 1999 / le 29 juin 1999

CMAJ 1999; 160(13)

© 1999 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

In this issue · Dans ce numéro

    Press release
    Highlights of this issue

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

Tick-borne diseases peak in the summer months. In this issue Claudia dos Santos and Kevin Kain report a case of concurrent babesiosis and Lyme disease in a Canadian who had travelled to the US (page 1851).

1814 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
1820 Letters · Correspondance
  • Instructions to correspondents
  • Directives aux correspondants
  •   Evidence · Études
    1824 Prevalence of asthma, rhinitis and eczema among children in 2 Canadian cities: the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood
    B.F. Habbick, M.M.M. Pizzichini, B. Taylor, D. Rennie, A. Senthilselvan, M.R. Sears [full article]
    1830 Do physicians assess lifestyle health risks during general medical examinations? A survey of general practitioners and obstetrician­gynecologists in Quebec
    B. Maheux, N. Haley, M. Rivard, A. Gervais [full article]
    1838 Incidence of tuberculosis among reported AIDS cases in Quebec from 1979 to 1996
    P. Brassard, R.S. Remis [full article]
    1843 Fatal work-related farm injuries in Canada, 1991­1995
    W. Pickett, L. Hartling, R.J. Brison, J.R. Guernsey, for the Canadian Agricultural Injury Surveillance Program [full article]

      Editorial · Éditorial
    1849 Should physicians assess lifestyle risk factors routinely?
    C.P. Herbert [full article]

      Education · Éducation
    1851 Two tick-borne diseases in one: a case report on concurrent babesiosis and Lyme disease in Ontario
    C.C. dos Santos, K.C. Kain [full article]

    1855 The Left Atrium · De l'Oreille Gauche

      On_the_Net@cma.ca · Sur_le_Net@cma.ca
    1859 Your secrets aren't sacred
    M. OReilly [full article]

      Features · Chroniques
    1860 Flight 7 from Macedonia: trauma of a different sort lies ahead for Kosovar refugees
    B. Sibbald [full article]
    1863 Dr. Léo-Paul Landry: a builder packs his tools
    J. Hoey, P. Sullivan [full article]
    1865 A first: FP finally assumes top post at a Canadian medical school
    D. Square [full article]
    1866 All conflicts of interest are not created equal
    B. Sibbald [full article]

      Heart and Soul · Gens de cœur
    1892 Saving lives, in water and out
    H. Kent [full article]