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CMAJ - February 9, 1999JAMC - le 9 février

Few family physicians go it alone

CMAJ 1999;160:304

© 1999 Canadian Medical Association

A 1997 survey by the College of Family Physicians of Canada found that less than one-third (31%) of FPs and GPs are in solo practice. Less than half (49%) said a private office was their only practice setting, 22% reported practising in 2 settings, such as an office and an emergency department, and 29% said they practised in more than 2 settings.

Respondents indicated that Canada's FPs offer diverse services. More than half (53%) provide obstetrical care, although only 20% still deliver babies. Of those performing deliveries, the average number for male respondents was 32.7 per year, compared with 54.6 per year for their female colleagues.

A significant proportion (27%) reported that surgical procedures such as appendectomies and hysterectomies accounted for a small part of their practice time, and 35% offer alternative and complementary medicine. Well over half (59%) perform minor surgery; of these, 52% performed surgery on the skin and more than 1 in 5 (21%) repaired lacerations or wounds.

Procedure Family physicians who
perform procedure (%)
Pap smears 82.1
Suturing 79.1
Musculoskeletal injection/aspiration 69.1
Minor surgery 58.5
Biopsy 50.1
Casting/splinting 44.9
ECG interpretation 41.6
Needle aspiration 38.8
Lumbar puncture 19.4
Pulmonary function testing 19.0
Audiometry   9.0
D+C aspiration   8.6
This information is from the College of Family Physicians of Canada’s National Family Physician Workforce Database.

On average, family physicians surveyed work a total of 50.3 hours per week (excluding on-call services), with males working 53.2 hours per week compared with 44.2 hours for female FPs. Almost three-quarters (72%) of family physicians said they regularly participate in on-call activities.

This column was written by Lynda Buske, chief, physician resources information planning, CMA. Readers may send potential research topics to Patrick Sullivan (sullip@cma.ca; 613 731-8610 or 800 663-7336 x2126; fax 613 565-2382).

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