

February 9, 1999 / le 9 février 1999
CMAJ 1999; 160(3)
© 1999 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce numéro
Cover: Snow sports are one of the few benefits of Canadian winters, but beware some injuries are more prevalent with these activities (pages 302 and 353). |
301 |
News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
309 |
Letters · Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants
- Science meets politics at the National Forum, E. Hodnett
- Doctors within Borders?, R.G. Holmes
- Defining futility, L.J. Hoffer
- Temporary henna tattoo with permanent scarification, P.K. Lewin
- Remember residency's good times too, A.S. Arneil
- Chiropractors here to stay, R. Cridland
- Violence in the FP's office, H. Cohen
- Cause and effect, M.A. Baltzan
- Give it and they will spend, M.S. Rapp
- Norwood reconstruction, R.J. Adderley
- Drinking in moderation, R. Room
- Signed consent for publication, H.C.G. Wong
- Those CMAJ interviews, A.C. Goddard-Hill; response: P. Sullivan
Evidence · Études |
319 |
Dictated versus database-generated discharge summaries: a randomized clinical trial, C. van Walraven, A. Laupacis, R. Seth, G. Wells [abstract / résumé] |
329 |
Prevalence and treatment of pain in older adults in nursing homes and other long-term care institutions: a systematic review, P.L. Fox, P. Raina, A.R. Jadad [abstract / résumé] |
337 |
Screening Mammography Program of British Columbia: pattern of use and health care system costs, I.A. Olivotto, L. Kan, D. Mates, S. King [abstract / résumé] |
Editorials · Éditoriaux |
345 |
"Conventional" dictated versus database-generated discharge summaries: timeliness, quality and completeness, G.E. Dougherty [full text] |
346 |
The importance of being Osler, K. Flegel, J. Hoey [full text] |
347 |
Medical students' attitudes toward women: Are medical schools microcosms of society?, C.A. Woodward [full text] |
350 |
Adverse reporting on adverse reactions, N. Bains, D. Hunter [full text] |
351 |
Discussing complementary therapies: There's more than efficacy to consider, T. Truant, M. McKenzie [full text] |
· Éducation |
353 |
Penetrating sledding injuries to the lower torso 2 case reports, K. O'Brien, D. Poenaru [full text / résumé] |
357 |
Do students' attitudes toward women change during medical school?, S.P. Phillips, K.E. Ferguson [abstract / résumé] |
365 |
Prostate cancer: 10. Palliative care, N.A. Iscoe, E. Bruera, R.C. Choo [full text] |
Public Health · Santé publique |
375 |
The wintertime blues, C.E. Caplan [full text] |
377 |
The Left Atrium · De l'Oreille Gauche
· Chroniques |
386 |
Independent review adds to controversy at Sick Kids, M. Shuchman [full text / in brief] |
391 |
Canada's "Disasters-R-Us" medical platoon a hit in Honduras, B. Sibbald [full text / in brief] |
393 |
Ottawa abandoning health "by stealth," scholar says, H. Kent |
394 |
After Swissair 111, the helpers needed help, N. Robb [full text / in brief] |
Heart and Soul
· Gens de cur |
456 |
An Orthodox practice, S. Pinker [full text] |
