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March 9, 1999 / le 9 mars 1999

CMAJ 1999; 160(5)

© 1999 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

In this issue · Dans ce numéro

    Press release
    Highlights of this issue

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

Overpowering the demons of acute alcohol withdrawal can be difficult. Dr. Anne Holbrook and colleagues discuss ways to help physicians diagnose and manage alcohol withdrawal (page 675) and review the evidence for benzodiazepine use in treating it (page 649).
Overpowering the demons

627 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
633 Letters · Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants
  Evidence · Études
643 Relation between hospital surgical volume and outcome for pancreatic resection for neoplasm in a publicly funded health care system, M. Simunovic, T. To, M. Theriault, B. Langer [abstract / résumé]
649 Meta-analysis of benzodiazepine use in the treatment of acute alcohol withdrawal, A.M. Holbrook, R. Crowther, A. Lotter, C. Cheng, D. King [full text / résumé]
659 Improved survival among HIV-infected patients after initiation of triple-drug antiretroviral regimens, R.S. Hogg, B. Yip, C. Kully, K.J.P. Craib, M.V. O'Shaughnessy, M.T. Schechter, J.S.G. Montaner [full text / résumé]

  Editorials · Éditoriaux
669 HIV clinical trials are not enough, M.E. Millson, A.R. Rachlis [full text]
671 More procedures, better quality of care? Is there a case for regionalization of pancreatic resection for neoplasm?, M.J. Wexler [full text]

  Education · Éducation
675 Diagnosis and management of acute alcohol withdrawal, A.M. Holbrook, R. Crowther, A. Lotter, C. Cheng, D. King [full text / résumé]
685 Prostate cancer: 12. The economic burden, S.A. Grover, H. Zowall, L. Coupal, M.D. Krahn [full text]

693 The Left Atrium · De l'Oreille Gauche
  On_the_Net@cma.ca · Sur_le_Net@cma.ca
697 CME looks toward the Internet, P. Sullivan

  Features · Chroniques
699 Cost no object as new agency tries to restore blood system's credibility, J. Hass [full text / in brief]
701 Alberta physician made a career of roughing it in the bush, J. Brooks [full text / in brief]
703 BC doctors ante up, sponsor aggressive media stand, B. Sibbald [full text]
705 Rural medicine needs cradle-to-grave strategy: blueprint, B. Sibbald [full text]

  Heart and Soul · Gens de cœur
756 The horse rescuer, A. Tempelman-Kluit [full text]