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CMAJ - August 24, 1999JAMC - le 24 août 1999

Tuberculosis: 9. Treatment

Table 1: Doses of and common adverse reactions to first-line antituberculosis drugs*

    Usual dose, mg  
Drug  Daily dose for 
 adults and 
 children, mg/kg 
If given
 If given twice 
Common adverse reactions†

Isoniazid 5-10 300  900–1200  Hepatitis, peripheral neuropathy
Rifampin‡ 10    600 600 Hepatitis, flu-like illness (reduced effect of some other drugs)
Pyrazinamide 15–30 1500 2500 Hepatitis, elevated serum level of uric acid, arthralgia
Ethambutol 15–25 800–1200 2400 Retrobulbar neuritis
Streptomycin 15-20 1000 1000 Vertigo, tinnitus, renal failure

Note: In alcoholic patients, diabetic patients and pregnant women, or if there is a concern for the patient's nutritional status, vitamin B6 (25-50 mg/day) may be prescribed.
*Adapted from the Tuberculosis Committee of the Canadian Thoracic Society,17 and the American Thoracic Society.18
†All drugs may cause rash, nausea and fever.
‡Rifabutin and rifapentine have similar properties.

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