
January 11, 2000 / le 11 janvier 2000
CMAJ 2000; 162(1)
© 2000 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
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In this issue · Dans ce numéro
Editorials · Éditoriaux |
5 |
Food irradiation: Let's do it [HTML / PDF] |
7 |
L'irradiation des aliments : Allons-y [HTML / PDF]
The inability to draw 10 minutes to 11 on a clock face may signal the presence of Alzheimer's disease. In this issue David Munoz and Howard Feldman review the risk factors for this disease (page 65). |  |
11 |
Letters · Correspondance [HTML / PDF]
Instructions to correspondents |
- Diabetes in Aboriginal populations
- Anticoagulant prophylaxis against stroke
- Reference-based pricing
- Furbies
- Treating TB
- Corrections
91 |
News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses [HTML / PDF] |
- Poor penmanhip costs MD $225 000
- It's a seller's market for Quebec's residents
- Auditor general slams feds' response to Salmonella outbreak
- NEJM editor reflects on his firing
- Open med-school doors wider: report
- Australia eyeing Canada's rural MDs
- Banting featured on millennium stamp
- Detecting hep C for $1.5 million a case
- On the Net: Outfitting a medical office online
- Canadians attract $17 million in xenotransplant funding
- Pulse: Caring for sick a strain on families
- Pediatric hospitals scrambling in wake of nursing shortage
- Research Update: A shot in the arm for shock to the heart
- An ACE inhibitor in the hole for cardiovascular prevention
- Thalidomide is back
- Cold hands? Warm gel
- Mad cow disease factory in lymph nodes
101 |
MD $200 000 richer after damning court judgement
P. Sullivan
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
102 |
What? A leading scientist immigrating to Canada?
C. Gray
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF] |
Health Canada · Santé Canada |
In this issue of the Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter:
Cisapride (Prepulsid®): interactions
Pemoline (Cylert®): market withdrawal
Bupropion (Zyban®): update
Drugs of current interest
(links to Health Canada Web site)
