

Deaths · Nécrologie
CMAJ 2000;162:175
Appleford, Robert D., Brighton, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1936; general practice; DPH; major, RCAMC, WW II; former medical staff, Stelco; medical officer of health, Middlesex and Peel; honorary staff, Mississauga and Peel Memorial hospitals. Died July 27, 1999, aged 86; survived by 5 children.
Berman, Leslie B., Dundas, Ont.; University of Witwatersrand (South Africa), 1967; internal medicine; FCPSA, FCCP, FRCPC; former staff, Hamilton Health Sciences CorporationChedoke Site; associate clinical professor, McMaster University. Died July 20, 1999, aged 56; survived by 5 children. The Hamilton Spectator reported: "Dying patients could count on him to appear at their homes, administer pain-relieving drugs and medications, then stay with them for comfort."
Bluett, Raymond J., Windsor, Ont.; National University of Ireland (Ireland) 1971; former staff, Windsor Regional and Metropolitan General hospitals. Died July 21, 1999, aged 52.
Borreman, Étienne M., Brossard (Qué.); Université de Louvain (Belgique), 1961; obstétriquegynécologie; FACOG; ancien membre du personnel de l'hôpital Charles-LeMoyne (Greenfield Park). Décédé le 12 août 1999, à l'âge de 62 ans; laisse deux enfants.
Budlovsky, Joseph G., North York, Ont.; Prague University (Czechoslovakia), 1946. Died Aug. 7, 1999, aged 83; survived by his wife, Susan, and 2 children.
Charette, Henri R., Hull (Qué.); Université de Montréal, 1948; radiothérapie; FRCPC; ancien membre du personnel des centres hospitaliers Pierre-Janet, de Maniwaki et de Buckingham; membre émérite de l'AMC. Décédé le 18 août 1999, à l'âge de 79 ans.
Dix, G. Wesley, North York, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1943; anesthesia; FRCPC; RCAMC, WW II; former staff, Hospital for Sick Children; assistant professor, University of Toronto. Died Aug. 23, 1999, aged 81; survived by 2 children.
Durand, Henri A., Cap-Rouge (Qué.); Université Laval, 1950; anesthésie; FACA, FRCPC; ancien chef et membre du personnel du département d'anesthésie du centre hospitalier Robert-Giffard; expert-conseil, centre hospitalier clinique Roy-Rousseau et Hôpital des Forces canadiennes (Valcartier); médecin d'Hydro-Québec; professeur agrégé à l'Université Laval. Décédé le 4 août 1999, à l'âge de 76 ans.
Fraser, Joan E., Brampton, Ont.; McMaster University, 1975. Died July 7, 1999, aged 46.
Gingras, Jacques, Trois-Rivières (Qué.); Université Laval, 1949; omnipraticien; ancien membre du personnel des hôpitaux Saint-Joseph et Sainte-Thérèse. Décédé le 9 août 1999, à l'âge de 76 ans; laisse son épouse, Sabine Turcotte, et cinq enfants.
Kay, Elspeth S., Ottawa; University of Edinburgh (Scotland), 1945; pediatrics; DCH, DObstRCOG, FAAP, CRCPC; former staff and teaching staff, Department of Pediatrics, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario; staff, Department of Neonatology, Ottawa General Hospital; pediatric physician, Child Development Clinic; lecturer, University of Ottawa. Died Aug. 25, 1999, aged 77; survived by her husband, Dr. Harold.
Lavers, Harlan D., Victoria; Dalhousie University, 1943; DPH, MCFP; former staff, Colchester and Victoria General hospitals. Died Aug. 17, 1999, aged 80.
MacKay, Bruce K., Kamloops, BC; University of Toronto, 1941; internal medicine; FACP, FICA, FCCP, FRCPC; former chief, Department of Medicine, Royal Inland Hospital; staff, Irving Clinic. Died May 25, 1999, aged 83.
Mair, George T., North York, Ont.; University of Glasgow (Scotland), 1949; general surgery; FRCS(Ed.), FRCSC; former staff, Humber Memorial Hospital. Died Aug. 15, 1999, aged 72; survived by his wife, Margaret, and 3 children.
Maley, Charles A., Dartmouth, NS; University of Glasgow (Scotland), 1961; obstetrics/gynecology; FRCOG, FRCSC; former staff, Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences CentreQueen Site, Izaak Walton Killam Centre for Children, Women and Families, Halifax Infirmary and Grace Maternity Hospital; associate professor, Dalhousie University. Died June 9, 1999, aged 64.
Newberry, Peter D., Belwood, Ont.; University of Witwatersrand (South Africa), 1952; SAAF, WW II; PoW; former associate staff, Humber Memorial Hospital; flight surgeon and general physician, Canadian Armed Forces. After retirement he did research on mercury toxicity with the First Nations people of Grassy Narrows, Ont. His obituary stated: "His efforts to provide compassion as well as his ability to listen to his patients and defy the 'Establishment' will be remembered by all whose lives he touched. People travelled great distances to benefit from his care." Died Aug. 17, 1999, aged 75; survived by his wife, Jennifer Cox, and children Dr. Douglas, Mary, Soo and Ann.
Thompson, Victor E., Ridgeway, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1950; former courtesy staff, Port Colbourne Hospital. Died Mar. 3, 1998, aged 73.
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