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CMAJ - May 16, 2000JAMC - le 16 mai 2000

Illness outbreak associated with Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Genoa salami

Table 1: Matched odds rations (univariate) for selected food preferences*
Food consumed   No. (and %) of cases† No. (and %) of controls† Odds ratio (and 95% CI)‡ p value

Genoa salami 14/23 (61)  6/46 (13) 8 (2-35) < 0.001
Fresh ground beef 22/23 (96) 38/48 (79) 7 (1-159)   0.04
Margarine with deli meats 11/24 (46) 11/48 (23) 6 (1-42)   0.02
Capicolla ham 10/24 (42)  8/47 (17) 4 (1-20)   0.02
Cheese with deli meats 18/23 (78) 21/49 (43) 5 (2-17)   0.004
Submarine sandwich 12/24 (50) 15/47 (32) 4 (1-18)   0.04
Mozzarella cheese 14/24 (58) 16/47 (34) 3 (1-12)   0.04

Note: CI = confidence interval.
*Food not associated with illness included: a variety of hams, a variety of salamis, roast beef, turkey, chicken, bologna, ground beef, a variety of cheeses, common sandwich condiments, various fruits, vegetables and dairy products and eating patterns (e.g., eating deli meats, eating at deli shops, eating prepackaged deli meats, buying food at farmer's markets).
†Although 25 cases and 49 controls were included in the analyses, all of those questioned did not respond to each question; thus, denominators differ and are indicated for each food.
‡Maximum likelihood estimate of odds ratio and 95% mid-P confidence limits.

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