le 16 mai 2000 / May 16, 2000

JAMC 2000; 162(10)
Highlights of this issue
Une flambée d'infection à Escherichia coli dans le sud de l'Ontario a incité les responsables de la santé publique à lancer une enquête approfondie afin de détecter la source (page 1409). La commentatrice Susan Tamblyn affirme qu'il nous faut intervenir activement pour instaurer des mesures qui assureront la sécurité de notre approvisionnement alimentaire (page 1429). |
Éditorial · Editorial |
1393 |
Scientific reporting of ethnicity, age, sex and race [HTML / PDF] |
1395 |
Rapports scientifiques sur l'origine ethnique, l'âge, le sexe et la race [HTML / PDF] |

Recherche ˇ Research |
1409 |
Illness outbreak associated with Escherichia coli O157:H7
in Genoa salami
R.C. Williams, S. Isaacs, M.L. Decou,
E.A. Richardson, M.C. Buffett,
R.W. Slinger, M.H. Brodsky,
B.W. Ciebin, A. Ellis, J. Hockin, and
the E. coli O157:H7 Working Group
[HTML / PDF] |
1415 |
Treatment and outcomes of community-acquired pneumonia at Canadian hospitals
B.G. Feagan, T.J. Marrie, C.Y. Lau, S.L. Wheeler, C.J. Wong, M.K. Vandervoort
[HTML / PDF] |
1421 |
Postmenopausal estrogen replacement therapy and increased rates of cholecystectomy and appendectomy
M.M. Mamdani, K. Tu, C. van Walraven, P.C. Austin, C.D. Naylor
[HTML / PDF] |

Commentaire ˇ Commentary |
1429 |
The frustrations of fighting foodborne disease
S.E. Tamblyn
[HTML / PDF] |
1431 |
Screening for lung cancer: Can it be cost-effective?
O.S. Miettinen
[HTML / PDF] |

Synthèse ˇ Review |
1441 |
Recommendations for the management and treatment of dyslipidemia: report of the Working Group on Hypercholesterolemia and Other Dyslipidemias
J.G. Fodor, J.J. Frohlich, J.J.G. Genest, P.R. McPherson, for the Working Group on Hypercholesterolemia and Other Dyslipidemias
[HTML / PDF] |
1451 |
Carotid angioplasty and stenting: current status
D.M. Pelz, S.P. Lownie
[HTML / PDF] |

1457 |
De l'Oreille Gauche ˇ The Left Atrium [HTML / PDF] |
- Urgent alphabet (book review by B.E. Hanley)
- A history lesson
- All forgiveness
- Writing in migraine mode
- One thousand words
- The tattered map of childhood

1463 |
Nouvelles et analyses ˇ News and analysis
[PDF] |
1477 |
OMA fights rising tuition fees with bursaries, other provinces to follow suit
B. Sibbald
[HTML / PDF] |
1478 |
Canada hopes to climb the DNA ladder to success
C. Brown
[HTML / PDF] |
1481 |
MDs get crash course in Inuit culture as young patients arrive in Ottawa
H. Kent
[HTML / PDF] |

Gens de cur
ˇ Heart and Soul |
1540 |
One doctor, 150 countries
S. Pinker
[HTML / PDF] |
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