

Deaths · Nécrologie
CMAJ 2000;162:1791
Bederman, Michael J., Toronto; University of Toronto, 1969; plastic surgery; FRCSC; former staff, Scarborough General Hospital; director, Centre for Cosmetic Surgery. Died of a heart attack Jan. 12, 2000, aged 54; survived by 3 sons. The Toronto Star reported: "He was one of Toronto's most controversial, colourful and busiest plastic surgeons. He operated on thousands of patients, a high volume that attracted controversy within the medical profession. He was also voted the city's best plastic surgeon in a readers' poll conducted by NOW magazine."
Belanger, Raymond J., Sainte-Foy (Qué.); Université Laval, 1950. Décédé le 4 janvier 2000, à l'âge de 75 ans.
Froese, Arthur P., Kingston, Ont.; University of Manitoba, 1964; child and adolescent psychiatry; FRCPC; former staff, Kingston General and Hotel-Dieu hospitals and Hospital for Sick Children; associate professor, departments of Psychiatry and Pediatrics, Queen's University; assistant professor, University of Toronto. Died of cancer Jan. 20, 2000, aged 61; survived by his wife, Alison, and 2 children.
Glaves, Margaret A., Welland, Ont.; Queen's University, 1972; family medicine; CCFP; former staff, Welland County General and York County hospitals. Died Jan. 13, 2000, aged 51; survived by 2 children.
Graf, Sieglinde, Windsor, Ont.; University of Western Ontario, 1982; diagnostic radiology; FRCPC. Died of necrotizing fasciitis Jan. 11, 2000, aged 42; survived by her husband, Dr. Christopher Adey, and 2 sons.
Kincaide, Cyril M., Toronto; Dalhousie University, 1945; anesthesia; FRCPC; RCAMC, WW II; former staff and director, Intensive Care Unit, Orthopedic and Arthritic Hospital; head, Department of Anesthesia, Wellesley Hospital; teaching staff, University of Toronto. Died Jan. 10, 2000, aged 79; survived by his wife, Barbara, and 3 sons.
Klass, Alan A., Berwyn, Pa.; University of Manitoba, 1932; general surgery; FICS, FRCS(Ed.), FRCSC; RCAMC, WW II; associate surgeon, Health Science Centre; associate professor, University of Manitoba. Died Jan. 18, 2000, aged 92; survived by 2 children. He established the Mall Medical Group, which provided one of the first models of a health maintenance organization in North America. He served as chair of a provincial commission that investigated the cost of drugs in Manitoba and recommended establishment of Canada's first pharmacare program the precursor to the plans currently in operation. The National Post reported: "One of his patients, a retired sausage maker, suggested that they make kosher sausages. The doctor and patient set up a plant and acquired the proper rabbinical permission and licensing from federal meat inspectors. Dr. Klass became the only surgeon to be a member of the Union of Amalgamated Meat Cutters of America."
Little, Desmond C., Coldwater, Ont.; University of Manchester (England), 1941; internal medicine; DCH, MRCP(Lond.), FCCP, FRCPC; chief medical officer, Procter and Gamble, Hamilton. Died Dec. 12, 1999, aged 83; survived by his wife, Margaret.
Maddison, G. Edward, Brantford, Ont.; Dalhousie University, 1937; public health; DPH, FCCP; RCAMC, WW II; former medical director, Saint John Chest Clinic, Saint John RegionalWestern Division; director, TB Control and medical superintendent, East Saint John Hospital. Died Jan. 8, 2000, aged 89; survived by his wife, Dorothy, and children Dr. David, Donald, and Beth.
Power, Phillip G., Comox, BC; University of Western Ontario, 1951; RCN, WW II; former associate staff, Campbell River and District General Hospital; staff, St. Joseph and Cumberland general hospitals; physician, Comox Medical Clinic; board medical representative and founder, Pidcock House. Died Jan. 14, 2000, aged 78; survived by his wife, Sheila, 3 children and 3 stepchildren.
Radomski, Tadeusz, Abbotsford, BC; National University of Ireland, 1955; DObstRCOG; former head, Department of Obstetrics, Matsqui-Sumas-Abbotsford General Hospital; consultant, Mission Memorial and Fraser Canyon hospitals. Died Jan. 10, 2000, aged 77.
Rao, Kris, Saskatoon; Madras University (India), 1957; diagnostic radiology; FRCPC; former staff, Saskatoon City and St. Paul's hospitals; medical director, Medical Radiology Technician Training Program, Kelsey Institute; clinical lecturer, University of Saskatchewan. Died Jan. 10, 2000, aged 68.
Salgado, Isidro, Renforth, NB; University of Madrid (Spain), 1951; general surgery; FACS, FRCSC; former medical examiner, Canadian Pension Commission; medical officer, Department of Veterans Affairs; staff, Soldiers Memorial and Hotel-Dieu hospitals; honorary member, Saint John Medical Society. Died Jan. 24, 2000, aged 71; survived by his wife, Susan, and children Dr. David, Dr. Michael and Dr. Lydia.
Shields, Martin J., Regina; National University of Ireland, 1949; FRCPath; former director, Department of Pathology, Pasqua Hospital; clinical associate professor, University of Saskatchewan; teacher, University of Regina. Died Jan. 9, 2000, aged 77; survived by one daughter.
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