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le 13 juin 2000 / June 13, 2000

JAMC 2000; 162(12)

Highlights of this issue

Dans ce numéro spécial qui aborde les toxicomanies, notre sélection d'articles traduit la grande diversité de points de vue sur des sujets allant de l'implantation d'une politique sur les drogues au risque relatif de préjudice que pose la consommation abusive de diverses substances.

(Artwork courtesy of Graham Ross)

Les drogues et les risques

  Éditorial · Editorial
1653 The temperate doctor
1655 Le médecin de la tempérance

1661 Correspondance ˇ Letters [PDF]
Directives aux correspondants

  Recherche ˇ Research
1669 The relative risks and etiologic fractions of different causes of death and disease attributable to alcohol, tobacco and illicit drug use in Canada
E. Single, J. Rehm, L. Robson, M.V. Truong
1677 Nonmedical drug use among adolescent students: highlights from the 1999 Ontario Student Drug Use Survey
E.M. Adlaf, A. Paglia, F.J. Ivis, A. Ialomiteanu
  Research Letter ˇ Exposé de recherche
1685 Self-reported medical use of marijuana: a survey of the general population
A.C. Ogborne, R.G. Smart, E.M. Adlaf

  Commentaire ˇ Commentary
1687 Substance abuse: tempering the debate
P. Kendall, E. Weir
1688 Stemming needless deaths: "medicalizing" the problem of injection drug use
K.D. Stevens
1690 The cannabis policy debate: finding a way forward
W. Hall
1693 Substance use: time for drug law reform
C. Hankins
1695 Interpreting the relation between injection drug use and harm: a cautionary note
J.F. Anderson
  Occasional Essay ˇ Réflexion
1697 Substance abuse and developments in harm reduction
Y.W. Cheung

  Synthèse ˇ Review
1705 Identifying and treating patients with alcohol-related problems
A.C. Ogborne
1709 Injection drug use and preventive measures: a comparison of Canadian and Western European jurisdictions over time
B. Fischer, J. Rehm, T. Blitz-Miller

1717 De l'Oreille Gauche ˇ The Left Atrium
  • A is for addiction (book review by P.H. Mark)
  • Knowing the score
  • Night thoughts
  • Quitting smoking
  • The pissin smell
  • One thousand words

1721 Nouvelles et analyses ˇ News and analysis [PDF]

1791 Nécrologie ˇ Deaths

  Gens de cœur ˇ Heart and Soul
1792 Inuit physician aims to inspire
B. Sibbald

  Supplément spécial ˇ Special Supplement
  An evidence-based approach to the management of uninvestigated dyspepsia in the era of Helicobacter pyloriPDF ]

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