New CMA guide to herbal remedies now on market
CMAJ 2000;162:852
A long-awaited guide to herbal remedies produced by the CMA and the Canadian Pharmacists Association is now available. The easy-to-use reference book, Herbs: Everyday Reference for Health Professionals, features about 60 herbal remedies. It was written and reviewed by the top experts in the field of herbal medicine in Canada and is designed to help physicians answer their patients' questions.
Dr. Linda Rapson, chair of the Ontario Medical Association's Complementary Medicine Section, says the new book is "a must for family docs. The format allows for quick reference to toxicology, contraindications, adverse effects and interactions, all matters of great concern, particularly to prescribing physicians."
Dr. Frank Chandler, the chair of Health Canada's Therapeutics Products Program Advisory Panel on Natural Health Products and the former director of pharmacy at Dalhousie University, is the book's editor-in-chief and chair of its Editorial Advisory Committee.
The book, which costs $39.95 for CMA members and $49.95 for nonmembers, is available by phoning 888 855-2555.
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