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le 21 mars 2000 / March 21, 2000

JAMC 2000; 162(6)

© 2000 Association médicale canadienne / Canadian Medical Association

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Dans ce numéro · In this issue

  Sujets d'intérêt

  Éditorial · Editorial
745 The only truly important problem [HTML / PDF]
747 Le seul problème vraiment sérieux [HTML / PDF]

Couverture :
Dans ce numéro, Charles Tator et ses collaborateurs étudient les traumatismes médullaires chez les joueurs de hockey (page 787). L'éditorialiste Barry Pless réclame une intervention de santé publique musclée (page 792) pour prévenir les blessures catastrophiques comme celle qu'a subie l'étudiant Travis Roy, dont on voit ici la photo.

Les traumatismes médullaires chez les joueurs de hockey

753 Correspondance ˇ Letters [PDF]
Directives aux correspondants

  Recherche ˇ Research
769 Incidence and outcomes of diabetes mellitus in elderly people: report from the Canadian Study of Health and Aging
K. Rockwood, E. Awalt, C. MacKnight, I. McDowell
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
775 Benchmarking the vital risk of waiting for coronary artery bypass surgery in Ontario
C.D. Naylor, J.P. Szalai, M. Katic
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
783 Determinants of hospital admission among HIV-positive people in British Columbia
A.E. Weber, B. Yip, M.V. O'Shaughnessy, J.S.G. Montaner, R.S. Hogg
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Exposés de recherche ˇ Research letter
787 Hockey injuries of the spine in Canada, 1966–1996
C.H. Tator, J.D. Carson, R. Cushman
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Commentaire ˇ Commentary
789 PSA screening: a view from the front lines
M. Greiver et al
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
791 PSA screening: the bottom line
M.M. Elhilali
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
792 Preventing spinal cord injuries: Is this the best we can do?
I.B. Pless
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
794 What can comparisons of mortality rates tell us about waiting lists?
D.C. Hadorn
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
795 Licence requirements for international medical graduates: Should national standards be adopted?
L. Nasmith
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Synthèse ˇ Review
801 Program for licensure for international medical graduates in British Columbia: 7 years' experience
R. Andrew, J. Bates
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
807 Recognition and management of Kawasaki disease
R.K. Han, B. Sinclair, A. Newman, E.D. Silverman, G.W. Taylor, P.  Walsh, B.W. McCrindle
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
817 Cost analysis of a provincial drug program to guide the treatment of upper gastrointestinal disorders
F. Bursey, M. Crowley, C. Janes, C.J. Turner
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
827 Chronic viral hepatitis C: management update
K.S. Gutfreund, V.G. Bain
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

837 De l'Oreille Gauche ˇ The Left Atrium
  • Of life and landscape (book review by M. Johnston)
  • X-rays and other visions
  • Dear Mr. 9645
  • Clara's cataract
  • One thousand words

845 Nouvelles et analyses ˇ News and analysis [PDF]
868 Shut out at home, Canadians flocking to Ireland's medical schools – and to an uncertain future
P. Sullivan
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
874 Precautionary principle leads to "may contain" clause for genetically modified foods
S. Pinker
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
876 Despite some opposition, BC pharmacists to dispense morning-after pill without prescription
B. Sibbald
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
878 Waiting-list project struggles under weight of expectations
S. Wharry
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
880 Is scarcity of resources a valid legal defence?
B. Sibbald
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

955 Nécrologie ˇ Deaths

  Gens de cœur ˇ Heart and Soul
956 MD's gentle approach eases trauma of sexual abuse
R. Cairney
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

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