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CMAJ - April 18, 2000JAMC - le 18 avril 2000

CMA Online manager honoured

CMAJ 2000;162:1188

Ann Bolster, the CMA's associate director of online services and a former managing editor at CMAJ, has been named a fellow of the 4000-member American Medical Writers Association (AMWA). There are roughly 130 AMWA fellows; the list includes former BMJ editor Stephen Lock and former CMAJ editor Bruce Squires. Bolster has held almost every position in AMWA's Canadian chapter and served on he Board of Directors. AMWA helps people enhance their communication skills in the biomedical area. Through the Canada Chapter, Bolster has organized seminars, workshops and conferences for writers and editors. She has also designed courses for physicians attending annual meetings of the Royal College. — Caryn Hirshhorn, CMAJ

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