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April 18, 2000 / le 18 avril 2000

CMAJ 2000; 162(8)

Highlights of this issue

Mark Loeb and colleagues conducted active surveillance and retrospective chart audits for outbreaks of respiratory tract infections in 5 nursing homes (page 1133). They emphasize the importance of adequate surveillance and of early diagnosis so that appropriate interventions can be promptly instituted.

Respiratory tract infections in nursing homes

  Editorial · Éditorial
1113 Another round of jeopardy [HTML / PDF]
1115 Une autre manche de «jéopardie» [HTML / PDF]

1121 Letters · Correspondance [PDF]
Instructions to correspondents

  Research · Recherche
1127 An outbreak of hepatitis B associated with reusable subdermal electroencephalogram electrodes
Hepatitis B Outbreak Investigation Team
1133 Surveillance for outbreaks of respiratory tract infections in nursing homes
M. Loeb, A. McGeer, M. McArthur, R.W. Peeling, M. Petric, A.E. Simor

  Research Letters · Exposés de recherche
1139 Biochemical markers in acute ischemic stroke
M.D. Hill, G. Jackowski, N. Bayer, M. Lawrence, R. Jaeschke
1141 Changing drinking-and-driving behaviour: the effects of Ontario's administrative driver's licence suspension law
R.E. Mann, R.G. Smart, G. Stoduto, E.M. Adlaf, E. Vingilis, D. Beirness, R. Lamble

  Commentary · Commentaire
1147 Ethics through the looking glass
P.S. Craighead
1148 High performance computing and medical research
A.J. Cuticchia
1150 Reducing medication errors
B. Orser
1152 The silent payer speaks: workers' compensation boards and Canadian physicians
M. Campolieti, J.N. Lavis

  Review · Synthèse
1157 Rheumatology: 2. What laboratory tests are needed?
K. Shojania
1167 Ethics and human rights in South African medicine
J.R. Williams
1171 Health care, federalism and the new Social Union
K. Wilson

1179 The Left Atrium · De l'Oreille Gauche [HTML / PDF]
  • Taking the short view (book review by V. Hanlon)
  • P. Ney on knowing the self
  • L. Lacroix's Sunday paintings

1186 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses [PDF]

1259 Deaths · Nécrologie

  Heart and Soul · Gens de cœur
1260 Canada's physician to the Olympians
H. Kent

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