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CMAJ - May 2, 2000JAMC - le 2 mai 2000

Delays in CPP payments to physicians

CMAJ 2000;162:1277

In response to: K. Richter
There is a need to clarify the difference between submitting a medical report and a narrative report. When dealing with an initial application, physicians always have a choice as to how they report to us. In directions attached to the medical report, we state: "To assist us in determining eligibility, please complete this form on his/her behalf. . . . You may substitute this report with a narrative letter or computer printout."

With respect to an initial medical report, the fee is the same for either method. According to the instructions, "CPP will assist with the cost of completing the medical report by paying up to $65 directly to you."

Fees rise if we request additional medical information to support an application. A physicians' fee guide is then sent to physicians to assist in determining their fee "up to $150." In summary: $25 for photocopied information from the patient's chart, $50 for a short narrative reply, $100 for a full narrative report and $150 for a complete, detailed report involving more extensive chart review and preparation.

Our financial department tries to return payment for medical reports submitted to Canada Pension Disability in 3 to 4 weeks. Delays may occur, however, when we encounter an influx of applications or when there is a disagreement about the fee structure.

We thank Ken Richter for his patience in resolving his personal matter. We regret that not all of his calls were answered, and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We sincerely appreciate the efforts made by all of the physicians who respond to us on behalf of their patients, our clients.

Kate Bedding
Director General, ISP Ontario Region
Human Resources Development Canada
Toronto, Ont.

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