le 2 mai 2000 / May 2, 2000

JAMC 2000; 162(9)
Highlights of this issue
Le frère aîné de Shane Armstrong, auteur de l'illustration de couverture, a subi une paracentèse des tympans avec insertion de tubes de drainage, intervention la plus fréquemment pratiquée chez les enfants au Canada. Dans ce numéro, Warren McIsaac et ses collaborateurs signalent l'absence de consensus sur le traitement des cas de cette nature et proposent la révision des lignes directrices (page 1285). |
Recherche ˇ Research |
1281 |
Anaphylactoid reactions and angioedema during alteplase treatment of acute ischemic stroke
M.D. Hill, P.A. Barber, J. Takahashi, A.M. Demchuk, T.E. Feasby, A.M. Buchan
[HTML / PDF] |
1285 |
Otolaryngologists' perceptions of the indications for tympanostomy tube insertion in children
W.J. McIsaac, P.C. Coyte, R. Croxford, C.V. Asche, J. Friedberg, W. Feldman
[HTML / PDF] |
1289 |
Development and validation of the Osteoporosis Risk Assessment Instrument to facilitate selection of women for bone densitometry
S.M. Cadarette, S.B. Jaglal, N. Kreiger, W.J. McIsaac, G.A. Darlington, J.V. Tu
[HTML / PDF] |

Commentaire ˇ Commentary |
1297 |
Ending waiting-list mismanagement: principles and practice
S. Lewis, M.L. Barer, C. Sanmartin,
S. Sheps, S.E.D. Shortt,
P.W. McDonald
[HTML / PDF] |
1301 |
Why randomized controlled trials fail but needn't: a new series is launched
D.L. Sackett, J. Hoey
[HTML / PDF] |

Synthése ˇ Review |
1305 |
Waiting for medical services in Canada: lots of heat, but little light
C. Sanmartin, S.E.D. Shortt, M.L. Barer, S. Sheps, S. Lewis, P.W. McDonald
[HTML / PDF] |
1311 |
Why randomized controlled trials fail but needn't: 1. Failure to gain "coal-face" commitment and to use the uncertainty principle
D.L. Sackett
[HTML / PDF] |
1315 |
Defusing the intra-abdominal ticking bomb: intestinal
malrotation in children
I.M. Kamal
[HTML / PDF] |
1318 |
Rheumatology: 3. Getting the most out of radiology
G. Reid, J.M. Esdaile
[HTML / PDF] |

Gens de cur
ˇ Heart and Soul |
1388 |
MD helped bring fetal alcohol syndrome out of the closet in BC
H. Kent
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