Deaths Nécrologie
CMAJ 2000;163(1):143
Allen, James D., Nepean, Ont.; Queen's University, 1931; ophthalmology; FRCSC; former honorary staff, Ottawa General Hospital; consulting staff, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario and St. Vincent Hospital; professor, University of Ottawa. Died Oct. 6, 1999, aged 92.
Balabanian, Ohannes J., St. Catharines, Ont.; University of Ain Shams (Egypt), 1962; obstetrics/gynecology; FACOG, FRCSC; former staff, St. Catharines General and Hotel Dieu hospitals. Died Feb. 25, 2000, aged 62.
Boyd Scriver, Jessie, Montreal; McGill University, 1922; pediatrics; FAAP, FRCPC; former pediatrician-in-chief, Royal Victoria Hospital; physician, Montreal Children's Hospital; professor, McGill University; past president, Canadian Paediatric Society. Died May 13, 2000, aged 105; survived by her son Dr. Charles. She was one of the first women to graduate in medicine from McGill. Her studies on sickle-cell anemia in the 1920s are still cited. She was awarded an honorary doctorate by McGill in 1979. The Montreal Gazette reported that McGill accepted 4 female medical students in 1917 to fill spaces left empty by the war, and Jessie Boyd was one of them. Her male colleagues were not impressed, and "her house on Dorchester Boulevard was picketed by disgruntled male students fearful of having women tread on what had always been their sacred turf." Dr. Abraham Fuks, McGill's dean of medicine, told the newspaper: "She became a legend in her own time at McGill."
Cobban, Andrew C., Flatbush, Alta.; University of Aberdeen (Scotland), 1944; RAMC, WW II; former staff and chief of staff, Slave Lake General Hospital; recipient, Distinguished Service Medal, Alberta Medical Association. Died Feb. 4, 2000, aged 77; survived by his wife, Marjorie, and 5 children.
Demers, Roger Y., Outremont, (Qué.); Université de Montréal, 1948; rhumatologie; FRCPC; ancien chef du départment de rhumatologie de l'Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal. Décédé le 22 janvier 2000, à l'âge de 80 ans; laisse son épouse, Denise Lemay.
Fanning, William J., St. John's; Dalhousie University, 1957; MCFP; former medical director and staff, Salvation Army Grace General Hospital. Died Feb. 14, 2000, aged 67; survived by his wife, Joan, and 5 children.
Freed, Bruce D., Brampton, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1938; Sqdn. Leader, RCAF, WW II; former chief of obstetrics and staff, Peel Memorial Hospital. Died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage Feb. 15, 2000, aged 87; survived by his wife, Myrtle, and 3 daughters. He delivered or helped deliver 4000 babies. He invented the Freed Frame, which is used during back surgery.
Harris, Kenneth S., Calgary; University of Manitoba, 1957; diagnostic radiology; FRCPC; former staff, Calgary General Hospital. Died Sept. 26, 1999, aged 71.
Irwin, J. Kent, Charlottetown; Dalhousie University, 1940; obstetrics/gynecology; FRCSC; medical officer, RCAF, WW II; former chief, Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology, Prince Edward Island Hospital; courtesy staff, Charlottetown Hospital; past president, Medical Society of PEI and the Atlantic Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; senior member, CMA. Died Feb. 18, 2000, aged 84; survived by 6 children. He was Prince Edward Island's first ob/gyn, and delivered more than 13 000 babies.
Kummel, Eberhard P., Stoney Creek, Ont.; Kiel University (Germany), 1950; general surgery; FACS, FRCSC; former staff and medical director, Workers' Compensation Board Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre, Downsview, Ont. Died Jan. 15, 2000, aged 76; survived by his wife, Lenore, and 2 sons.
Lyons, Benjamin H., San Antonio, Texas; University of Alberta, 1931; internal medicine; FACP, FRCPC; former staff, Victoria Hospital; consulting staff, St. Boniface General Hospital; assistant professor, University of Manitoba. Died Jan. 19, 2000, aged 91; survived by a son.
Manacki, J. Alexander, Etobicoke, Ont.; University of Lwow (Poland), 1941; FCCP, DPH; former advisory staff, Queensway General Hospital; courtesy staff, Lakeshore Psychiatric Hospital. Died Feb. 16, 2000, aged 84; survived by his wife, Dr. Ruth, and children Dr. Alex, Dr. Leonard and Pauline.
McGregor, J. Kenneth, Wingham, Ont.; McGill University, 1955; former staff, Wingham and District, County of Bruce General and Alexandra Marine and General hospitals; medical adviser, Westcast Industries Inc.; coroner; medical officer of health, Huron County. Died Feb. 2, 2000, aged 71; survived by his wife, Ene, and 5 children.
Nicholson, William M., Reserve Mines, NS; Dalhousie University, 1942; senior member, CMA. Died Feb. 12, 2000, aged 85.
Walter, John B., Toronto; University of London (England), 1946; MRCP(Lond.), FRCPath; former staff, Department of Pathology, Toronto General Hospital; dermatology staff, St. Michael's Hospital; consulting pathologist, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto; assistant professor, University of Toronto. Died Feb. 15, 2000, aged 75; survived by his wife, Elizabeth, and 2 children.
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