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CMAJ - July 25, 2000JAMC - le 25 juillet 2000

OMA gets involved at federal level

CMAJ 2000;163(2):198

The Ontario Medical Association made its second foray into federal politics in June by urging its members to consider becoming involved in the leadership race of the Canadian Alliance. The new party, which replaced the Reform Party, held its first-round leadership vote June 24. In a June 1 letter to members, surgeon Alan Ryley, chair of the Political Action Committee, said the OMA wanted to encourage doctors to "become involved as the next federal election draws near."

Although a Globe and Mail columnist criticized the letter as "partisan," an OMA spokesperson was adamant that the association would have sent the same message if another federal party was having a leadership contest. She also noted that the OMA sent a letter to Toronto-area physicians during the 1997 federal election, urging them to consider supporting 2 candidates — Dr. Carolyn Bennett, a Liberal, and Dr. Bob Frankford, a New Democrat. Ryley says the OMA encourages its members to get involved in politics "as a continuation of our ongoing, nonpartisan participation in municipal, provincial and federal politics." — Patrick Sullivan, CMAJ

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