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July 25, 2000 / le 25 juillet 2000

CMAJ 2000; 163(2)

Highlights of this issue

In this issue Stephen Hwang and colleagues report on the difficulties homeless people with diabetes experience in managing their disease (page 161) and the financial disencentives for physicians who care for homeless people (page 170). James Plumb comments on disease prevention and treatment strategies for people without shelter (page 172).

(Photo courtesy of Canapress/Frank Gunn)

Coping with homeless people with diabetes

  Editorial • Éditorial
149 Pesticides, policies and parents
151 Pesticides, politiques et parents

157 Letters • Correspondance [PDF]
Instructions to correspondents

  Research • Recherche
161 Barriers to appropriate diabetes management among homeless people in Toronto
S.W. Hwang, A.L. Bugeja
166 Cancer care workers in Ontario: prevalence of burnout, job stress and job satisfaction
E. Grunfeld, T.J. Whelan, L. Zitzelsberger, A.R. Willan, B. Montesanto, W.K. Evans
  Research Letter • Exposé de recherche
170 Physician payment for the care of homeless people
S.W. Hwang, P.M. Windrim, T.J. Svoboda, W.F. Sullivan

  Commentary • Commentaire
172 Homelessness: reducing health disparities
J.D. Plumb
173 Asymptomatic hyperparathyroidism: Is the pendulum swinging back?
K. Siminoski

  Review • Synthèse
176 Rheumatology: 6. Localized rheumatism
G.E. Price
184 Primary hyperparathyroidism: pathophysiology and impact on bone
A. Khan, J. Bilezikian
188 Choosing a first-line drug in the management of elevated blood pressure: What is the evidence? 2: ß-Blockers

193 The Left Atrium • De l'Oreille Gauche
  • From trials to treatments (book review by S. Shapiro)
  • Modern optics
  • Our man in Havana

197 News and analysis • Nouvelles et analyses [PDF]

247 Deaths • Nécrologie

  Heart & Soul • Gens de cœur
248 A long way from Kosovo
C. Hirshhorn

CMA Policy
Organ and tissue donation and transplantaton (update 2000)

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