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CMAJ - July 25, 2000JAMC - le 25 juillet 2000

A scientific look at what comes naturally

CMAJ 2000;163(2):199

After decades of working in isolation, Canadian researchers and physicians have come together to form the Natural Sourced Medicine Research Network. The organization, the first of its kind in Canada, aims to pool information about the efficacy and safety of natural medicines.

Dr. Tim Lee, professor of immunology at Dalhousie University and director of the research network, says a top priority is to develop a comprehensive database of clinical trials and other research involving natural medicines. This would include methodologic assessment of the research. Lee says "there's no good database that physicians or pharmacists can go to with information that's been reviewed scientifically."

The network, which grew out of a conference sponsored by Health Canada's Office of Natural Health Products, is built on a centre-of-excellence model. "We had 2 choices," says Lee. "Either create a national centre for research in this area or create what would be a virtual centre. This network is the forerunner of a virtual institute in natural-sourced medicine." Although it currently has no funding, the organizers hope to tap into federal funds through the new Office of Natural Health Products. — Donalee Moulton, Halifax

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