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CMAJ - September 5, 2000JAMC - le 5 septembre 2000

Hawaii first to pass medical marijuana bill

CMAJ 2000;163(5):588

See also:  eLetters
Hawaii has become the first state to legalize the growth, possession and use of marijuana for prescribed medical purposes.

Under the new Hawaii law, which came into effect in June, patients with qualifying illnesses must obtain a doctor's recommendation to use marijuana. They must then register with the state's Department of Public Safety to avoid criminal charges. An estimated 500 to 1000 people in Hawaii are now eligible to grow, possess and use medical marijuana if they have registered with the state.

A national advocacy group, the Marijuana Policy Project (www.mpp.org), calls the Hawaii law "landmark legislation" that could make it easier to have similar laws approved in other states. The group is working to have medical marijuana bills introduced in 40 other states. — Barbara Sibbald, CMAJ


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