
September 5, 2000 / le 5 septembre 2000

CMAJ 2000; 163(5)
Highlights of this issue
Atlas's burden is threatened by unprecedented population growth and industrialization. In this issue, Michael McCally introduces a new CMAJ series that explores the potential effects of global environmental change on human health (page 533). Joseph Speidel focuses on the ramifications of population growth and consumption (page 551).
(Graphic courtesy of Alan King) |
Editorial Éditorial |
489 |
Ecosystem evasion and health
[HTML / PDF] |
491 |
L'évasion de l'écosystème et la santé
[HTML / PDF] |

Research Recherche |
503 |
Prevalence and predictors of human papillomavirus infection in women in Ontario, Canada
J.W. Sellors, J.B. Mahony, J. Kaczorowski, A. Lytwyn, H. Bangura, S. Chong, A. Lorincz, D.M. Dalby, V. Janjusevic, J.L. Keller, for the Survey of HPV in Ontario Women (SHOW) Group
[HTML / PDF] |
513 |
Comparison of self-collected vaginal, vulvar and urine samples with physician-collected cervical samples for human papillomavirus testing to detect high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions
J.W. Sellors, A.T. Lorincz, J.B. Mahony, I. Mielzynska, A. Lytwyn, P. Roth, M. Howard, S. Chong, D. Daya, W. Chapman, M. Chernesky
[HTML / PDF] |
523 |
Evaluating the benefits of antimicrobial prophylaxis to prevent urinary tract infections in children: a systematic review
N. Le Saux, B. Pham, D. Moher
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Commentary Commentaire |
533 |
Environment and health: an overview
M. McCally
[HTML / PDF] |
535 |
Screening for cervical cancer: Should we test for infection with high-risk HPV?
C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders,
A.J.C. van den Brule
[HTML / PDF] |
Controversy Controverse |
543 |
Colorectal cancer screening: Now is the time
S.J. Winawer, A.G. Zauber
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545 |
Population-based fecal occult blood screening for colon cancer: Will the benefits outweigh the harm?
K.G. Marshall
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547 |
S.J. Winawer, A.G. Zauber
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548 |
K.G. Marshall
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Review Synthèse |
551 |
Environment and health: 1. Population, consumption and human health
J.J. Speidel
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561 |
Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Canada's First Nations: status of an epidemic in progress
T.K. Young, J. Reading, B. Elias, J.D. O'Neil
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571 |
Postoperative tetanus: a case report
K.C. Katz, S.L. Walmsley
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581 |
News and analysis Nouvelles et analyses [PDF] |

Heart & Soul Gens de cur |
684 |
MD explores hidden history of Captain Cook's journey to Newfoundland
B. Ryan
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